The Four Establishments of Mindfulness

The Buddha said, “Bhikkhus, there is a most wonderful way to help living beings realize purification, overcome directly grief and sorrow, end pain and anxiety, travel the right path, and realize nirvana. This way is the Four Establishments of Mindfulness.

“What are the Four Establishments?

1. “Bhikkhus, a practitioner remains established in the observation of the body in the body, diligent, with clear understanding, mindful, having abandoned every craving and every distaste for this life.

  • Mindfulness of Breathing
  • The Four Postures
  • Clear Comprehension
  • Unattractiveness of the Body
  • Elements
  • The Nine Charnel Ground Contemplation

2. “He remains established in the observation of the feelings in the feelings, diligent, with clear understanding, mindful, having abandoned every craving and every distaste for this life.

  • Understanding feelings

3. “He remains established in the observation of the mind in the mind, diligent, with clear understanding, mindful, having abandoned every craving and every distaste for this life.

  • Understanding a mind

4. “He remains established in the observation of the objects of mind in the objects of mind, diligent, with clear understanding, mindful, having abandoned every craving and every distaste for this life.”

If anyone should develop these four establishments of mindfulness in such a way for even seven days, one of two fruits could be expected for him: Either final knowledge here and now, or if there is a trace of clinging left, non-returning.

