The Story of an Ex-Bhikkhu

While residing at the Veluvana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (344) of this book, with reference to a bhikkhu who was a pupil of the Venerable Mahakassapa.
As a pupil of the Venerable Mahakassapa, this bhikkhu had achieved the four mental absorptions (jhanas). But one day, as he went for alms-food to his uncle's house, he saw a woman and felt a great desire to have her. Then he left the Order of the bhikkhus. As a layman, he was a failure as he did not work hard. So, his uncle drove him out of the house, and subsequently he became mixed up with some thieves. All of them were caught by the authorities and were taken to the cemetery to be executed. The Venerable Mahakassapa saw his pupil as he was being led out and said to him, "My pupil, keep your mind steadfastly on a subject of meditation." As instructed, he concentrated and let himself be established in deep mental absorption. At the cemetery, while the executioners were making preparations to kill him, the ex-bhikkhu was very much composed and showed no signs of fear or anxiety. The executioners and the onlookers were awe-struck and very much impressed by the man's courage and composure and they reported about him to the king and also to the Buddha. The king gave orders to release the man. The Buddha on hearing about the matter sent his radiance and appeared to the thief as if in person.
Then the Buddha spoke to him in verse as follows:

Kết Một Tràng Hoa

Thiền Sư Thích Nhất Hạnh

Tích Truyện Pháp Cú

Thiền viện Viên Chiếu

Tâm Minh Ngô Tằng Giao

Chuyển Dịch Thơ

Translated by Acharya Buddharakkhita
Thấy sắc mà bị mê hoặc, đó là vì không biết quán vô thường. Kẻ u mê tưởng rằng cái sắc ấy là một cái gì lành và đẹp, không biết rằng cái bóng dáng bên ngoài kia không chứa đựng được một cái gì bền bỉ và chắc thật bên trong nó.

Lìa rừng lại hướng rừng,

Thoát rừng chạy theo rừng,

Nên xem người như vậy, Ðược

thoát khỏi buộc ràng, Lại chạy

theo ràng buộc.

Người lìa ái dục, xuất gia

Sống vui ở chốn rừng già, núi sâu

Để rồi một sớm quay đầu

Xuôi dòng ái dục thương đau về nhà,

Kẻ hoàn tục đáng xót xa

Cởi ra rồi lại tự ta trói vào.

There is one who, turning away from desire (for household life) takes to the life of the forest (i.e., of a monk). But after being freed from the household, he runs back to it. Behold that man! Though freed, he runs back to that very bondage!