The Story of Culadhanuggaha, the Skilful Archer

While residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verses (349) and (350) of this book, with reference to a young bhikkhu, who was a skilful archer in one of his previous existences.
Once a young bhikkhu took his alms-food in one of the shelters specially built for bhikkhus in town. After his meal he felt like drinking water. So he went to a house and asked for some drinking water, and a young woman came out to give him some water. As soon as this young woman saw the young bhikkhu she fell in love with him. Wishing to entice him, she invited the young bhikkhu to come to her house whenever he felt thirsty. After some time, she invited him to her house for alms-food. On that day, she told him that they had everything they could wish for in the house, but that there was no male to look after their affairs, etc. Hearing those words, the young bhikkhu took the hint and he soon found himself to be more and more attached to the young, attractive woman. He became very much dissatisfied with his life as a bhikkhu and was getting thin. Other bhikkhus reported about him to the Buddha.
The Buddha called the young bhikkhu to his presence and said to him, "My son, listen to me. This young woman will be your undoing just as she had been to you in a previous existence. In one of your previous existences you were a very skilful archer and she was your wife. On one occasion, while the two of you were travelling, you came upon a gang of highwaymen. She fell in love with the gang leader. So, while you and the gang leader were engaged in fighting and you called out to her to give you the sword, she gave the sword to the robber who promptly killed you. Thus, she was the cause of your death. Now, too, she will be the cause of your ruin if you go after her and leave my Order for her sake."
Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Kết Một Tràng Hoa

Thiền Sư Thích Nhất Hạnh

Tích Truyện Pháp Cú

Thiền viện Viên Chiếu

Tâm Minh Ngô Tằng Giao

Chuyển Dịch Thơ

Translated by Acharya Buddharakkhita
Đừng thân cận với những kẻ đi ngược chánh pháp, cũng đừng để bị lôi kéo theo con đường ái nhiễm. Nếu chưa vượt thoát được thời gian thì hành giả vẫn còn bị kẹt vào cái thấy nhị nguyên.

Niệm xấu làm não loạn

Dục lạc nhiều thường cầu

Rèn thêm xiền tham ái

Dây ràng xiết càng sâu.

Người nào bị khuấy động nhiều

Bởi tâm xấu ác, bởi điều bất lương

Thường ham dục lạc vô cùng,

Người mà dục lạc cầu mong tăng nhiều

Tự mình một sớm một chiều

Trói mình thêm chặt vào theo não phiền.

For a person tormented by evil thoughts, who is passion-dominated and given to the pursuit of pleasure, his craving steadily grows. He makes the fetter strong, indeed.
Thấy và hiểu được tự tánh các pháp, không còn bị vướng vào một pháp nào, biết cách gỡ ra mọi sợi dây ái dục trong tâm ý, như thế là đã nắm được ý chỉ của Bụt.

Ai vui, an tịnh ý,

Quán bất tịnh, thường niệm

Người ấy sẽ diệt ái,

Cắt đứt ma trói buộc.

Ai vui vì chẳng còn vương

Tư tưởng bất thiện, bất lương loại trừ,

Xác thân bất tịnh suy tư

Giữ gìn chánh niệm, thích ưa điều lành

Sẽ trừ ái dục vây quanh

Ma Vương ràng buộc phá nhanh dễ dàng.

He who delights in subduing evil thoughts, who meditates on the impurities and is ever mindful -- it is he who will make an end of craving and rend asunder Mara's fetter.