The Story of Thera Cakkhupala

While residing at the Jetavana monastery in Savatthi, the Buddha uttered Verse (1) of this book, with reference to Cakkhupala, a blind thera.
On one occasion, Thera Cakkhupala came to pay homage to the Buddha at the Jetavana monastery. One night, while pacing up and down in meditation, the thera accidentally stepped on some insects. In the morning, some bhikkhus visiting the thera found the dead insects. They thought ill of the thera and reported the matter to the Buddha. The Buddha asked them whether they had seen the thera killing the insects. When they answered in the negative, the Buddha said, "Just as you had not seen him killing, so also he had not seen those living insects. Besides, as the thera had already attained arahatship he could have no intention of killing and so was quite innocent." On being asked why Cakkhupala was blind although he was an arahat, the Buddha told the following story:
Cakkhupala was a physician in one of his past existences. Once, he had deliberately made a woman patient blind. That woman had promised him to become his slave, together with her children, if her eyes were completely cured. Fearing that she and her children would have to become slaves, she lied to the physician. She told him that her eyes were getting worse when, in fact, they were perfectly cured. The physician knew she was deceiving him, so in revenge, he gave her another ointment, which made her totally blind. As a result of this evil deed the physician lost his eyesight many times in his later existences.
Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Kết Một Tràng Hoa

Thiền Sư Thích Nhất Hạnh

Tích Truyện Pháp Cú

Thiền viện Viên Chiếu

Tâm Minh Ngô Tằng Giao

Chuyển Dịch Thơ

Translated by Acharya Buddharakkhita
Tâm là gốc các pháp,

tâm làm chủ, tâm sai sử.

Nếu tâm nghĩ ác thì lời nói và hành động làm theo,

tội ác và khổ đau tự khắc đi theo sau đó như bánh xe lăn trên đường tạo thành vệt bánh xe.

Ý dẫn đầu các pháp,

Ý làm chủ, ý tạo.

Nếu với ý ô nhiễm,

Nói lên hay hành động,

Khổ não bước theo sau

Như xe, chân vật kéo.

Việc làm của bản thân ta

Do tâm, do ý tạo ra, dẫn đầu

Nói năng, hành động trước sau

Ý mà ô nhiễm: khổ đau theo kề

Tựa như là cái bánh xe

Theo chân con vật kéo lê trên đường.

Mind precedes all mental states.

Mind is their chief; they are all mind-wrought.

If with an impure mind a person speaks, or acts suffering follows him like the wheel that follows the foot of the ox.